maja krstic + lotte bruning-donskoi / artist + photographer
your sign
maja: aries
lotte: sometimes Waterman, sometimes fishes, depending largely on the season and water temperature ;-)
m: belgrade, serbia
l: amsterdam, the netherlands
color palette
m: monochrome
l: love the palette of our shoot. but I have a weakness for ton-sur-ton
midnight snack
m: baby cookies
l: thai food
introvert or extrovert
m: somewhere in between
l: a bit of both, depends on my mood
song/artist on repeat right now
m: jono mccleery
l: heaven by the rolling stones
morning ritual
m: cold shower and a coffee
l: baby talk conversations with my daughter ella jacky and my husband at the breakfast table
favorite place in the world
m: home
l: home
last thing you've read
m: news - heatwave in europe
l: what’s app from maja
most memorable/influential moment growing up
m: choosing art academy over university
l: my parents trusting and believing in me, no matter what
favorite quote
m: “just to be you, what a privilege that is”
l: “if you wanna make an omlet, you gotta break some eggs”